Major Tax-filing Websites Are Secretly Sharing Income Data With Meta
DISCLAIMER: This is not how Mac Neal LLC stores personal data, and our clients are not affected by the information in...
Keep These Tips in Mind When Filing Small Business Taxes for the First Time in the U.S.
Who Has to File Business Taxes? If you own a business, you'll need to file a tax return, even if that business isn’t...
6 Things to Bring Your Accountant to Prepare Your Tax Return
As we approach the end of the year, it’s smart to begin thinking about taxes. While the tax deadline is still a few...
9 Things You Didn’t Know Were Tax Deductions
1. Sales taxes You have the option of deducting sales taxes or state income taxes off your federal income tax. In a...
The 6 Reasons Not to Do Your Taxes Yourself
Why, as a business owner, doing taxes yourself might not make sense. As a business owner, you’re probably used to...
What Is an IRS 1099-MISC Form?
Form 1099-MISC is used to report miscellaneous payments made to nonemployees, such as independent contractors. If...
How Will PPP Loans & EIDL Advances Affect My State & Federal Taxes?
PPP loans aren't taxable at the federal level, but state tax implications vary As a small business owner, odds are you...
Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! The IRS will start accepting income tax returns on: Jan 31, 2022. Organize...